Forskningen vid Vidarkliniken inleddes 1997 med ett projekt under ledning av professor Elisabeth Hamrin, som utvärderade effekten av vården för kvinnor med bröstcancer på Vidarkliniken jämfört med dem som enbart fått konventionell vård. Sedan dess har flera forskningsprojekt genomförts eller pågår inom särskilt nedanstående områden – allegi hos barn, cancer, hälsoekonomin och vårdvetenskap.
2010 startades I C – The Integrative Care Science Center som en unik mötesplats om komplementär, alternativ och integrativ vård för hälso- och sjukvården.
Här presenteras ett urval av publicerade artiklar från svensk forskning.
Allergi hos barn
Flöistrup H., Swartz J., Bergström A., Alm JS., Scheynius A., van Hage M., Waser M., Braun-Fahrländer C., Schram-Bijkerk D., Huber M., Zutavern A., von Mutius E., Ublagger E., Riedler J., Michaels KB., Pershagen G; Parsifal Study Group. (2006): Allergic disease and sensitization in Steiner school children. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, vol. 117, no. 1: 59-66.
Alm J., Swartz J., Björkstén B., Engstrand L., Engström J., Kühn I., Lilja I., Möllby I., Norin R., Pershagen E., Reinders G., Wrieber C., Scheynius K. (2002): An anthroposophic life style and intestinal microflora in infancy. Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, vol. 13 issue 6: 402-411.
Alm J., Swartz J., Lilja G., Scheynius A., Pershagen G. (1999): Atopy in children of families with an anthroposophic lifestyle. The Lancet, vol. 353, no. 9163: 1485-1488.
Rosenlund H., Bergström A., Alm JS., Swartz J., Scheynius A., van Hage M., Johansen K., Brunekreef B., von Mutius E., Ege MJ., Riedler J., Braun-Fahrländer C., Waser M., Pershagen G.; PARSIFAL Study Group. (2009): Allergic disease and atopic sensitization in children in relation to measles vaccination and measles infection. Pediarics, vol. 123, no. 3: 771-8.
Swartz, J (2014): Allergy, Stress and Sense of Coherence in Families with Children living in accordance with an Anthroposophic Lifestyle, PhD thesis. Uppsala Universitet.
Carlsson M., Arman M., Backman M., Flatters U., Hatschek T., Hamrin E. (2006): A Five-year Follow-up of Quality of Life in Women with Breast Cancer in Anthroposophic and Conventional Care. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol. 3, issue 4: 523-31.
Carlsson M., Arman M., Backman M., Flatters U., Hatschek T., Hamrin E. (2004): Evaluation of Quality of Life/Life Satisfaction in women with breast cancer in complementary and conventional care, Acta Oncologica, vol. 43, no. 1: 27-34.
Carlsson M., Hamrin E. (2002): Evaluation of the life satisfaction questionnaire (LSQ) using structural equation modelling (SEM). Quality of Life Research, vol. 11, issue 5: 415-25.
Wode K., Schneider T., Lundberg I., Kienle GS. (2009): Mistletoe treatment in cancer-related fatigue: a case report, Cases Journal, vol. 2: 77.
Sundberg T. et al (2014): Opposite drug prescription and cost trajectories following integrative and conventional care for pain-a case-control study, PLoS One. 9(5):e96717.
Ozolins, L (2015): Caring touch- patients’ experiences in an antroposophic clinical context. Scandinavian Journal of Caring sciences, Doi:10.1111/scs.12242.
Arman M. et al ( 2013): Caregiving for existential wellbeing: existential literacy. A clinical study in an anthroposophic healthcare context, International Practice Development Journal 3 (1) [6].
Arman M., Hammarqvist AS., Kullberg A. (2011): Anthroposophic health care in Sweden – a patient evaluation, Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, vol. 17, issue 3: 170-8.
Ranheim A., Kärner A., Arman M., Rehnsfeldt AW., Berterö C. (2010): Embodied reflection in practice–’touching the core of caring’, International Journal of Nursing Practice, vol. 16, issue 3: 241-7.
Arman M., Ranheim A., Rehnsfeldt A., Wode K. (2008): Anthroposophic health care –different and home-like, Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, vol. 22, issue 3: 357-66.
Arman M., Backman M. (2007): A longitudinal study on women’s experiences of life with breast cancer in anthroposophical (complementary) and conventional care, European Journal of Cancer Care, vol. 16, issue 5: 444-50.
Carlsson M., Arman M., Backman M., Hamrin E. (2005): Coping in women with breast cancer in complementary and conventional care over 5 years measured by the mental adjustment to cancer scale, Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, vol. 11, issue 3: 441-7.
Carlsson M., Arman M., Backman M., Hamrin E. (2005): Perceived quality of life and coping for Swedish women with breast cancer who choose complementary medicine, Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, vol. 11, issue 3: 441-7.
Carlsson M., Arman M., Backman M., Hamrin E. (2001): Perceived quality of life and coping for Swedish women with breast cancer who choose complementary medicine, Cancer Nursing, vol. 24, issue 5: 395-401.
Arman M., Flatters U., Ekenbäck K. (2000): Helhetssyn på patienten ger bättre rehabiliteringsresultat. Vårdfacket, vol. 4.
Asmussen A. (2004): Målningsterapi – Med smärtpatienter på Vidarkliniken. Svensk rehabilitering, no. 1/2004: 34-35.
Flatters U. (2001): Vidarkliniken – Efter cancern. Svensk rehabilitering, no. 1/2001: 36-37.
Stenius F., Swartz J., Lindblad F., Pershagen G., Scheynius A., Alm J., Theorell T. (2010): Low salivary cortisol levels in infants of families with an anthroposophic lifestyle. Psychoneuroendocrinologi, vol. 35, issue 10: 1431-7.